Active Citizens

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Promoting Quality Healthcare through Citizen Generated Data

We are currently experiencing a shift towards patient-centric care, where healthcare providers are expected to meet growing patient expectations while ensuring high-quality services. A 2021 report by KPMG revealed that 79% of healthcare facilities in charge believed the sector should adopt a more patient-centric approach to better address patient needs and preferences. Despite this, only…

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#FichaUchi: How community radio localized Data Rights Awareness in Kenyan Communities

We launched the #FichaUchi campaign to raise awareness about the inadvertent exposure of personal information among Kenyan citizens. Through a series of talk shows broadcasted on community radios across nine counties in Kenya, we sought to shed light on data protection and educate citizens with knowledge about their rights. The discussions touched on various facets…

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#FichaUchi: Analyzing the Impact of the Campaign’s Messaging

After the successful Ficha Uchi campaign we ran in 2023, reaching over 100 million people digitally, we assessed the impact of our messaging using a powerful tool called Swayable. Swayable operates on the principle of test and control sampling, a method widely employed in research and marketing to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions. The test…

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Maono: Equipping Organizations and Changing Lives

We believe that citizens require a local support system that empowers them to take part in community development. This system involves local leaders, community-based organizations, and organizers, providing citizens with the knowledge and courage to engage in public processes. This network of social structures and community institutions aims to empower citizens by providing the tools…

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Unleashing Communities’ Potential: One year reflections of Maono Space

In today’s dynamic landscape, collaboration is not just a nicety—it’s a necessity. Silos stifle growth and innovation, and our community-based organizers, once isolated, yearned for deeper connection. This is where Maono Space has been transformational. Over the past year, by offering reliable internet, communal spaces, and an energizing community spirit, Maono has torn down walls,…

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The Impact of Citizen-Generated Data

While data generated by National Statistical Organisations (NSOs) and corporations has long been the focus of attention, there’s a growing recognition of the significance of Citizen Generated Data (CGD). CGD is data produced at the grassroots level by individuals, often through their daily activities and interactions. Through CGD citizens are not just data subjects but…

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