Who we are

We are The Open Institute

An African non-profit organisation based in Kenya but working in various parts of Africa. We work in transparency, accountability and citizen engagement to achieve two main things - #ActiveCitizenship and #ResponsiveGovernment

It's all about active citizens and responsive governments!

We promote government transparency and active citizenship by providing cutting-edge tools, ideas, knowledge and policy support to everyone that supports this cause.


We are working towards open societies that informed, fact-driven citizens manage.

Citizens are at the heart of functioning societies, and all development activities should be oriented toward the citizens. In these open societies, the government proactively shares information with the public. It has built systems that enable consistent engagement with the citizens. Citizens work together to engage with the government and other duty-bearers to provide direction on developing their communities sustainably.



We work with governments to promote responsiveness using data.

We collaborate with government departments and agencies to provide tools, policy support and knowledge that enable transparency and citizen engagement.


In addition, we support civil society organisations, community-based organisations and citizen groups in ways that empower their citizen active participation.
