Al Kags

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Hyperlocal Social Infrastructure for Systems Change

Systems change is the goal of our work, promoting Responsive Governments and Active Citizenship. Our pursuit of this goal has continually convinced us that systemic transformation must be built from the ground up. Actual progress lies in adjusting policies and reconfiguring the societal and governance ecosystems that determine whose voices are amplified and silenced. To…

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Sabasi 2.0
Sabasi is getting bigger and better!

Sabasi, our innovative and simple-to-use data collection tool will be going through a series of upgrades throughout the month of February. It has been exciting to witness the platform’s success, and we are committed to providing our users with the best possible experience. As we grow and thrive together, it is now crucial that we…

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Unleashing Communities’ Potential: One year reflections of Maono Space

In today’s dynamic landscape, collaboration is not just a nicety—it’s a necessity. Silos stifle growth and innovation, and our community-based organizers, once isolated, yearned for deeper connection. This is where Maono Space has been transformational. Over the past year, by offering reliable internet, communal spaces, and an energizing community spirit, Maono has torn down walls,…

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Driving inclusive decision-making with citizen-generated data

We are proud to work with KNBS as they lead the Technical Working Group on Citizen-Generated Data. The Open Institute is proud to have played a role in Kenya’s progress in institutionalizing Citizen-Generated Data as part of the National Statistical System (NSS). Since 2015, the Open Institute has worked with communities in Nakuru North sub-county,…

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Announcing the Green Fellowship

The Open Institute’s Green Fellowship is given in line with our goal to shed light to “the invisibles” – those communities of people who are most left behind due to poverty, lack of functional literacy and government support. The Open Institute is happy to announce The Open Institute Green Fellowship, a three-month-long programme in partnership…

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Announcing Jonah’s Miners Report

As we remember our dearly departed colleague, Jonah Mngola, we are excited to publish his report on Artisanal Small Scale Miners, who represented his life’s mission. In this step, we also worked with opinion leaders in Taita Taveta, Migori, Vihiga and Kakamega to identify and get basic data on their membership – demographics, alternative occupations…

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#LoveMalindi: Malindi Content Creators’ Meet Up

Mwanajuma Hamadi is a shy 24-year-old who lives in Shela, the old town of Malindi. On Saturday, October 23 2021, she was effusive in her words. “Sikuamini kwamba mimi pia naweza kuwa repota hata kama sikumaliza shule. Wajua mtu waona kama ambae maisha yasha kwisha kwa hiyo unang’angana tu.” (I could not have imagined that…

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