August 12, 2024

Investing in Changemakers for Social Progress in Africa

Governor of Kilifi at Maono Space

For the first time in a decade, the world has witnessed a significant decline in social progress. The Social Progress Index highlights that last year, 61 countries saw a decline, 77 stagnated, and only 32 made real progress, with the UK falling into the second tier for the first time. With 4 out of 5 people living in countries making no progress or regressing, 2024 is crucial for holding leaders accountable to address declines in health, education, rights, and other vital areas. But, despite these challenges, Africa has unique opportunities for sustainable development: investing in changemakers.  

Source: Social Progress Imperative

The Role of Changemakers

Changemakers are individuals who identify problems in their communities and take action to address them. They inspire others to get involved and make a positive difference. Changemakers focus on the needs of their communities and develop solutions that work best for them. In Africa, where many countries face significant social challenges, changemakers play a pivotal role in driving progress.

For instance, in Kenya, we are revolutionizing data governance and citizen engagement by equipping changemakers at Maono Space with tools to collect and analyze data, helping them advocate for their rights and hold governments accountable. They have access to accounting, training, marketing, technology, and small grants that help them catalyze greater impact at the grassroots level. When we created this space, we envisioned a place where changemakers can build networks, gain knowledge, and create a movement of people who truly make a difference in their communities.  

We have been collaborating with changemakers in Kilifi County to streamline and standardize data. This initiative helps the county government and the public track progress in budgeting, expenditure, and development projects. To strengthen evidence-based advocacy and community engagement, we partnered with the Kilifi Youth Assembly (KIYA). KIYA is a youth-led organization in Kilifi County that focuses on social accountability, governance, transparency, and public participation. They stand out for their unique approach of involving youth representatives in parliamentary sessions, enabling them to actively engage, deliberate, and address issues important to the local community. The Open Institute’s data-driven approaches have complemented and empowered KIYA, enabling it to identify pressing issues and effectively communicate the community’s needs and priorities to the county government and other stakeholders.

In this exercise, we identified several key challenges facing the health sector in Kilifi County. These challenges include land disputes affecting the locations of healthcare facilities, a shortage of essential medicines and healthcare personnel, inadequate oversight of rural health facilities, limited community involvement in development planning, incomplete and under-equipped health facilities, and insufficient water, sanitation, and hygiene infrastructure.

After numerous interactions with the county representatives we are encouraged by their commitment to working with local changemakers to drive positive change. Such partnerships are crucial for achieving sustainable development and enhancing the well-being of the community.

Why invest in changemakers?

Investing in changemakers is crucial for advancing social progress in Africa. These individuals and organizations can tackle significant societal issues and create positive change. Supporting them leads to sustainable development and better living conditions for communities across the continent. This investment motivates people, strengthens communities, and promotes innovation and resilience, which are essential for addressing complex social challenges.

Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) offer a uniquely effective strategy for sustainable community development, proving to be more impactful than focusing solely on traditional authorities like Members of County Assemblies (MCAs), Chiefs, and Ward Administrators. CBOs are deeply rooted in communities, allowing them to understand local needs and craft solutions that are relevant and impactful. Their agility and innovation enable them to respond quickly to changing community dynamics, while their earned trust and credibility make them ideal partners for mobilizing local engagement

CBOs’ emphasis on volunteerism and community ownership ensures long-lasting impact, and their non-partisan nature allows them to prioritize community welfare over political interests. By investing in CBOs, we uplift entire communities, nurture diverse perspectives, and promote transparency and accountability, ultimately building stronger, more resilient societies from the ground up.

How do we make this a reality?

1. Funding and Resources

Providing financial support and resources is essential for changemakers to implement their initiatives effectively. This can include grants, loans, and access to technology and infrastructure. By investing in changemakers, we enable them to scale their impact and reach more communities. Unrestricted mini-grants provide CBOs with the autonomy to utilise funds in ways that best align with their community goals and initiatives.

2. Capacity Building

Capacity building involves providing training, mentorship, and networking opportunities for changemakers. This helps them develop the skills and knowledge needed to drive social progress. By investing in capacity building, we empower changemakers to become more effective leaders and advocates for their causes.

3. Policy Support

Governments and also policymakers play a crucial role in creating an enabling environment for changemakers. This includes implementing policies that promote social entrepreneurship, protect human rights, and ensure access to education and healthcare. By advocating for supportive policies, we can create a conducive environment for changemakers to thrive.

Investing in  changemakers is a powerful way to boost social progress in Africa. By backing individuals and organizations dedicated to making a difference, we can tackle important societal issues and build a brighter future for everyone. The inspiring work at Maono Space shows how African leaders can drive transformation and motivate the next generation.

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