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Bahati: a great start to the scale up marathon.

Following the success we had in Lanet Umoja location, where we worked with Chief Kariuki, our scale up process officially kicked off today as we have started a marathon series of introductory sessions in four locations – Bahati, Kirima, Githioro and Mereroni. Our first stop is in Bahati location in the Northern part of Nakuru…

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Checking in: visiting the experience

Sometimes, our blog posts are so high level that we forget to give the interesting minutiae and details of our experience when we go every week. We are currently working in Lanet Umoja location working with women groups to collect SDG 5 data in partnership with Civicus Datashift and with the leadership of Chief Kariuki…

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Towards an (African-Led) Africa Network

Over the past decade – certainly since 2010 – Africans have made great strides in the use of technology and data for development and for transparency. There have been many landmark innovations that have emanated from the continent that have gone on to be useful in many other parts of the world. There have been…

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