February 2015

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Follow the Money: How to design a financial transparency and role-playing game

The following post is by Beatrice Martini, capacity builder and event curator, and a co-facilitator of T/AI’s Follow the Money Workshop last month in Berlin. Cross-posted from beatricemartini.it. When we talk about financial transparency,numbers and data are understandably what first comes to mind. But are the platforms and portalscollecting all that, the real starting point of our…

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Open Duka wins Oscars

We are so excited to find out that Open Duka has won the Honesty Oscars (Special Effects category), following nominations and widespread voting. Like the Academy Awards’ “Best Special Effects” this category honors new technologies, innovative strategies and tools, and creative campaigns that (in our context) call attention to issues of transparency, accountability and corruption.…

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Open Data Day 2015

Open Data Day is back After a very successful Open Data Day 2014, Kenya is once again gearing up for 2015 edition of the International Open Data Day. A gathering of citizens in cities around the world to develop applications, liberate data, create visualisations, publish analyses using open public data to show support for and…

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