March 2018

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Community Leaders Induction in Mutukanio Location

We are almost coming to the end of the journey we commenced in the beginning of this month of organising the communities of Nakuru North sub-county under the Nyumba Kumi umbrella. We have come to understand that organising the communities at hyperlocal is a crucial exercise for implementing data driven projects and for enhancing citizen…

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Community Leaders Induction

Today, marked the beginning of the final week of Community Leaders Induction at Kirima Location, Nakuru North sub-county.  Kirima Location being one of the locations we carried out the Global Goals for Local Impact scale up which built on our understanding that an organised community is a key ingredient in successful citizen engagement and participation.…

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Community Leaders Induction in Rurii Location

We commenced week two of Community Leaders Induction at Rurii location, Nakuru North sub-county. The momentum for the Induction process is established now. We are supporting this activities because we now understand that Community Organisation is a crucial component of citizen engagement and participation. Rurii Location has three sub locations namely; Menengai sub-location which is…

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End of Week 1 Community leaders Induction : Kabatini Location

Today marked the end of week one’s process of the community organisation process in Nakuru North Sub-County. We took the community leaders induction to Kabatini location, Nakuru-North county. Kabatini location is divided into two sub-locations – Mwaki-Mugi sub-location and Kabatini sub-location. According to the 2009 census the population of Kabatini Location is 17,937. Kabatini sub-location…

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Day 2: Community Leaders Induction – Thayu location

Day two of our journey towards achieving an organised community for better citizen participation and engagement took us to Thayu Location which is part of Nakuru North sub-county. Thayu location has a population of approximately 11,700 people making up about 2,300 households as per 2009 national census. The location is divided into 2 sub-locations ie…

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Community Leaders Induction Kicks Off in Kiamaina Location

Today, we started the community organisation process in line with the lessons that we have shared, that organised communities are an important ingredient for citizen participation and engagement. In Nakuru North sub-county, we are working with the local administration, led by the Deputy County Commissioner, Mr. Mutua Kisilu and his immediate Assistant County Commissioner 1…

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